Sunday 16 February 2020

"Something beautiful"

"Something beautiful"

I’m sure most people are aware of the political turmoil and social movement Hong Kong is going through. This is a picture I took on 6th June, 2019, in the very early period of what is to become one of the biggest fights defending freedom and human rights for the people of Hong Kong— whereby a large peaceful protest march in delivering a stunning repudiation of the government’s controversial extradition bill. It was a beautiful experience, witnessing 2 million Hong Kong people from all walks of life coming together first hand,  bringing the city to a complete standstill as masses marched to charities the chief executive’s refusal to withdraw or apologies for the bill. I felt the desperation, fury and unity of my people against the wave of political persecution, fighting for our human rights and freedoms which are on the brink of collapse. 

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